- Description
Para-RC Adjustable Para Support 360° CFK
Product description
We have long thought about how we can lower the price to make the APS 360° CFRP available to a wider circle of pilots. After a long time of development and testing we can now present a CFRP molded version. From the manufacturing technology, very high quality plastic with a very high CFRP fiber content is pressed into a milled mold under extremely high pressure. Despite high tooling costs we try to keep the selling price as low as possible to be able to act customer oriented. Also here we are proud to say that the APS 360°CFRP molded is "made in Germany".Because of its features you will experience your glider and flight system in a new way. Whether flying straight, turning, or dynamic aerobatics, there are always a multitude of forces acting simultaneously: aerodynamic forces from the glider, weight forces, centrifugal forces, inertial forces, pilot control forces, air reaction forces, and then there are the different centers of gravity of pilot and glider. The location of the coupling point of the glider and pilot, i.e. the attachment point, thus has an enormous influence on the flight behavior of the overall system. With the newly developed "Adjustable Para Support" 360° APS, it is possible to find exactly the hang-in point area where many of the forces cancel each other out. In addition, further degrees of freedom are damped by the neoprene system and you get an unprecedented flight experience.
- The take-off will be smooth and much easier
- The glider will fly with a precision you have never experienced before
- Less control pulses are necessary whereby the glider generates less resistance, and the flight performance increases significantly
- No pendulum motions or build-up of the pilot system, thus the flight gets more precise, also in turf height
- The risk of wing deflation will be reduced significantly
- 360° adjustable – for trike or for the backpack, a support for all flight systems
- Quick-action locking system enables a fast change of gliders
- Optimal tackle effect when flying with acro pulley because of optimally designed connection points
- Due to the even structure of the APS wrapping of the lines is nearly excluded – especially in acro manoeuvres
- The curved and elegant structure and the neoprene in the area of the risers let appear the area of risers and pilot as a harmonic unity
- The risk of twisting in acro manoeuvres is excluded as far as possible
- Fits for all popular pilot systems
- Extremely low weight of only approx. 50g
Try it out! You will experience your glider and your flight system in a way you have never done before!
Scope of delivery
1 Para-RC Adjustable Para Support 360 ° CFK completely pre-assembled, 2 pegging pins with spliced ??Kevlar line, 1 manual
Para-Aviation-RC Rico Priesnitz-ENGINEERING
Heuweilerstr. 3a
66571 Eppelborn